Launching My first game! Cubed!
This is a game that i've been developing on Scratch for over 2 years now and just decided to package it and post it here!
Here's the full update log for the 2 years:
Update Log! (v2.1+) - Bug fixes - Minor features - 3 new card
(v2.0) [Major Update!] - Added 18 new cards! - 6 new maps! - walls and ceilings on all maps - 2 new Legendary's - 2 new Epics - 2 new Rares - 12 new Commons - Tiny AI tweaks - Bug fixes - Ray casting for more accurate bullet hits - Removed bullet speed cap - Added effect for when a player is silenced - Added two new abilities (Hitscan and Refresh)
(v.1.9.2) - Updated AI to be much smarter - Made mouse control for single player a toggle in settings - Tweaked block cards visuals - added walls to all maps in single player.
(v.1.9.1) - Added block CD visual - removed nuclear shots due to bugs - general bug fixes
(v1.9.0) [Major Update!] - More bug fixes - Added a new card - New effects - reworked entire game start system - Fixed major bug that broke game on a second round of ranked - Added ray tracing - Updated autoshoot to be smarter - Updated AI to be smarter
(v1.8.5) - Fixed bugs -Changed settings - Changed main menu - Fixed layering issues
(v1.8.4) - Minor level re-designs - Minor bug fixes - Fixed the "Particle Accelerator"
(v1.8.3) - Made Epic cards slightly rarer - Minor bug fixes - Added ad
(v1.8.2) - New card (Snacks) - New stat (regen) - more bug fixes
(v1.8.1) - Fixed major bug that allowed players to pick twice - Fixed block abilities not working for blue - So, so, so many more bug fixes
(v1.8.0) [Major Update!] - Added 9 new cards - Implemented 5 new blocking ability's - Added blocking to mobile - Added 2 new stats (block CD and Blocks) -Changed basic block look -I have to skip v7 because scratch flags it as a bad word, idk why.
(v1.6.3) - rebalancing - reworked rarities
(v1.6.2) - bug fixes - general improvements
(v1.6.1) - Added blocking - Added functionality to the settings - Added 5 new special block abilities (Made by @samzehringer01)
(v1.6.0) [Major Update!] - Added mobile compatibility - Added single player - Added AI that shoots on its own, picks its own cards, and moves on its own. - Added new UI - Updated Intro - Added settings menu
(v1.5.3) - Fixed bug with game starting twice - Found and ignored a bug - and yes, more bug fixes
(v1.5.2) - Updated 3 cards - Updated 2 maps - Bug fixes
(v1.5.1) - Changed flight to consume bullets per second flying - Fixed the card Shawty only working for Red
(v1.5.0) [Major Update!] - Added 2 new maps (both with lava) - Added 2 new cards - Added flight (new legendary) - General balancing - Updated movement (Very slightly) - Made shooting smoother
(v1.4.4) - Added "lava" to the ground of some maps that will hurt you if you touch it - one new card - New stat (Bursts)
(v1.4.3) - minor bugs fixes - one new map
(v1.4.2) - Removed pets - Updated map - Added 1 new map
(v1.4.1) - Added new map - Fixed more bugs
(v.1.4.0) [Major Update!] - Fixed cards spawning multiple times - Added bullet start delay (Can't shoot until 2 seconds after round started) - Altered how the card idoit works - Fixed only half of the maps spawning - Minor bug fixes - Added pets (for some reason) - Added 1 new map (v1.3.4) - minor bug fixes - fixed major bug where cards just stopped working after first round - Changed how legendary card worked
(v1.3.3) - Added 1 new card - Added new rarity [Legendary] - Minor bug fixes
(v1.3.2) - Added card rarity's - A few minor bug fixes - Added 3 new maps, removed 1 map - Added 1 new card
(v1.3.1) - Bug fixes - Allowed reloading with bullets in clip (pretty much reloads anytime you have less than max ammo not just when out of ammo)
(v1.3.0) [Major Update!] - Changed it so that each card can only spawn once per pick - Increased ammo cap (6 - 24) - Added 6 new cards - More texture consistency - Increased wall climbing speed - New stat (gravity) - Added main menu - Added backgrounds music / sound effects (v1.2.4) - Added score counter (still buggy) and added 2 new maps
(v1.2.3) - Added ammo -texture consistency
(v1.2.2) - Added new stat (spread)
(v1.2.1) - Fixed bugs to do with clipping and cards not going away after picking
(v1.2) - Added weapon visual -cleaner movement
(v1.1) - Added new stat (attack speed)
Get Cubed [v2.2]
Cubed [v2.2]
This is a game that is heavily inspired, but not a copy of rounds!
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